Middle School/Junior High School Group Tour Request
Welcome to Lincoln Land Community College
About you group
We need this information so we can make sure to connect you with the correct resource at LLCC.
Middle School/Junior High School
Please select...
Other (Not Listed)
AC Central Middle School
Athens Junior High School
Auburn Junior High School
Ball Charter School
Beardstown Middle School
Blessed Sacrament School
Calvary Academy
Christ the King School
Edinburg Junior High School
Franklin Middle School - Franklin, IL
Franklin Middle School - Springfield, IL
Glenwood Middle School
Grant Middle School
Greenview Junior High
Hillsboro Junior High School
Iles School
Illini Central Middle School
Illinois School for the Deaf
Illinois School for Visually Impaired
Jacksonville Middle School
Jefferson Middle School
Lincoln Magnet School
Lincolnwood Junior High School
Litchfield Middle School
Little Flower School
Morrisonville Junior High School
Mount Pulaski Grade School
Mt. Olive Junior High School
New Berlin Junior High
Nokomis Junior High School
North Mac Middle School
Northwestern Middle School
Our Savior's Lutheran School
Our Saviour School
Pawnee Junior High
Pleasant Plains Middle School
PORTA Junior High
Riverton Middle School
Rochester Junior High School
South Fork Junior High School
Springfield Christian School
St. Agnes School
St. Aloysius School
St. Patrick Catholic School
Taylorville Junior High School
Tri City Junior High
Trinity Lutheran School
Triopia Middle School
Virginia Middle School
Washington Middle School
Waverly Elementary & Middle School
Westfair Christian Academy Jr High
Williamsville Junior High School
Winchester Middle School
Requestor First Name
Requestor Last Name
Requestor Job Title
Requestor Mobile Number
Requestor Email
What is your preferred method of contacting you?
Phone Call
How many students are in your group?
Please limit student group size to 70 students
How many chaperones are in your group?
Please select the student populations you will be bringing to campus.
8th Graders
7th Graders
Select all that apply
Do you plan to eat lunch on campus?
Please select...
Will any of the students or staff in your group require special accommodations for the tour?
If yes, please provide details below.
Visit Day/Time - What are several days/times that would work best for your group visit to LLCC?
A staff member will review your request and confirm a specific date/time for your group tour!
Thank you for providing information a
bout your group.
Our staff will reach out to you to finalize details of your visit.